Lake Erie Fishing Report by Capt. Walt Ermansons

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Lake Erie fishing report for the week of September 13, 2020.

A very windy September! It’s never a good thing when my lead off line is a negative one. But that has been the trend so far as we enter mid month here already. You pretty much fished in very choppy to heavy seas or you didn’t fish at all it seems like. And that’s if you got out at all! As this COVID shortened season marches on, every day that we’ve had to cancel because of a too rough to fish in lake has had an exceptional stinging effect. And we’ve had a few totally unfishable days already this month as well. Throw in a handful of days with heavy rains and thunderstorms that we had to work around to get our trips in along with the stupid wind and it’s easy to see why this month has been more of a disappointment to most then a early fall delight.

But as always, the Walleyes could care less how rough the lake is. They are out there, they are plentiful and they are really biting! With the heavy seas, aboard THE TROPHY we’ve fished many days now the last few weeks with just the Dipsy Divers electing not to even put the planer boards out at all. And most days limits have still come easily. With not having the extra work of putting out the boards and running out all the very long leads and the extra long time landing a fish, we’ve been able to concentrate on the Dipsys which are super fast in and equally fast out with a fish. Many times a Dipsy rod or two or three are sitting out of the water just waiting till we land a board line fish or a couple board lines going back out before we can get them back into the water. Not a very good strategy when the Dipsys divers are working so well. And they really have been these last few weeks!

As I predicted a couple of fishing reports back, the Walleyes have been steadily moving back in towards shore. Good catches in recent days have come from under 10 miles out. A far cry from the many days in August where we never dropped lines till we were at least 22 or 23 miles out. I am sure glad that all of that is behind us for yet another year! Especially with the exceptionally choppy seas. It becomes a whole lot more doable when you only have to beat your way out 10 miles as opposed to having to run out clear to the Canadian line. Even though the fish are nicely moving back in they continue to be very deep in the water column. Aboard THE TROPHY we have been targeting fish that are mostly about 65 foot down. The whole lake seems to be rich in Smelt this summer and these bait fish for the Walleyes tend to roam around in cloud like schools close to the bottom. I still find it amazing that the Walleyes will even hit our artificial lures at all as stuffed with Smelt as these fat Walleyes are!

So in a couple of more weeks I’ll be giving it up for this this year. My 34th year. Trips drop off dramatically and everybody is still playing the COVID-19 card this fall. I can hardly keep up with all the cancellations that have again seemed to be rearing it’s ugly head. Some I manage to cover, others go down in the books as yet another loss. It’s been exhausting. This fishing report will also be my last one for this season. Doing them as I have this summer every couple of weeks would put the next one right in the weekend that we will probably be very busy cleaning and winterizing everything. As I always do in my final report of the year I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all of you that still came out in this crazy year and fished with us this season. I appreciated everybody's extra troubles that everyone went through to travel just to get to us. The wearing of masks, the limited services available. All of it. I know it would have been a lot easier just to blow this year off like some actually did. For still coming out and everyone's super generosity I say again, THANK YOU so very much! Thanks to all of you for following along with these fishing reports as well. With the good Lord willing, we will all meet up again next season under hopefully more normal circumstances. Be it on the boat or just right here via my biweekly musings. And as I always like to sign off in my final report each year Happy Holidays, stay warm, and more then ever, STAY SAFE! See you next year.

Capt. Walt
Trophy Charters

Source: Capt. Walt Ermansons September 13, 2020 at 09:54:18

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