Steelhead have arrived near shore now. Trolling shallow running lures is the best method to catch these tackle busting steelies. The best water depth is 10 to 4 feet off the major steams on the west side of Erie PA. This young fellow picked up this 12 pound 15 and a half ounce steelhead just west of Walnut Creek. It just was meant to be, because the time to quite was given and the fish hit at the same time on a black reef runner.

Fishing on the 29th was excellent with 30 hookups. Several brown trout were also netted this day with the many steelies.

Some steelies have entered Trout Run sharing the pool with many smaller trout just stocked. The lower parts of Walnut and Elk have fish but until some much needed rain comes to increase the creek levels fish will be slow to move up.

Perch fishing has been good with many jumbo fish being caught. 60 to 70 feet has been best north west of Walnut and north of the point.

When 30 Jumbo perch nearly fill a five gallon bucket, you have plenty of meat for a delicious tasting fish fry. These were caught northwest of Walnut in 65 feet.

The beginning of the month seen more walleye in the cooler. As the month closes they have become harder to find. Although some walleye are reported to be still being caught near the Ohio line in 60 to 70 feet. The month of October is the best for the near shore catching of the tackle busting steelies before they go up the streams. Many good day are still open for steelhead and also perch trips. Tight lines Captain Ron – SeaWolf