Coho Salmon and Steelies 2nd Week of October 2003
The past week was the best week so far for catching Coho Salmon and Steelhead near shore this fall. The previous week of bad weather and near impossible fishing conditions brought the fish in.
Monday the 6th was phenomenal every pass all morning was good for 1 to 4 fish in front of Walnut Creek. The number hooked was well over 60 with near half boated. Near all were released for others to enjoy the tackle busting battle.

The boys Monday had a great time fighting the fight of mostly Coho Salmon. The fish pictued with the boys are steelhead.
The week was good for many limits all week but as the water cleared the fish began to get harder to find biting. Fish could be seen all along the near shore jumping and rolling. The feeder are mostly found in the greener water.

Sunday the 12th started with near clear water everywhere and a cold front approaching. A few fish were found east of Elk Creek. The passing front started a fish eating frenzy for an hour or so in front of Elk Creek 8 to 15 feet depth. We tied into a 10 pound Coho that battled us for a half hour of several 150 yard runs in every direction. The Coho had one big belly of eggs. The wind picked up and only a east troll was comfortable.

The sun came out and the fish were biting with doubles and doubles. A ten pound steelhead bit and ended his day in the water.

The day ended with a limit of eleven Coho Salmon and one big Steelie. The big Coho and Steelie were both good for an Angler Award from the PFBC.