West Erie County, DWCO Randy Leighton, WCO Brook Tolbert Conditions: Not a lot new to report. The lack of precipitation has the tribs down to a trickle in many areas and has caused a fish to back up in the lower stretches of the tribs. Angler pressure in these areas has been intense, but not impossible. Fuel costs, low water levels, and less then usual numbers of fish have helped to keep the crowds in check. A good number of fish are being taken off the wall at Walnut Creek at night at at dawn. Mid day fishing has been difficult at best in all areas. There are fish up stream but they are scattered. Ultra light presentations are a must. Anglers have been having success along the lake shore at dawn and dusk, although Lake conditions have been rough more often than not. Perch are still biting when the Lake is calm enough straight out of Walnut Creek and off the Point on Presque Isle in 52 to 62 feet of water The average Lake Erie Water temperature as of this writing is 58 off Toledo, 64 off Cleveland, an 61 degrees off Erie. Current Erie Tributary conditions as of this writing are very low and very clear with very little flow. Law Enforcement: This past week end was busy with 56 citations written on Saturday alone. A few high profile cases comprised many of these violations and included snagging, netting, nursery water violations, litter, and license violations. With fishing conditions being so difficult and water levels so low the temptation to snag seems to grow, especially when the fish are in plain view and simply won't bite. Snagging and even attempting to snag a fish can be expensive violations. Erie Bluffs State Park Public Meeting: Girard Township Supervisor Bill Felege has announced that the public is invited to attend the third public meeting regarding the development of Erie Bluff’s State Park. At this meeting, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (D.C.N.R.) will discuss it’s preferred alternative for development of the park. This meeting will be an important beginning that will map the future of a significant resource in Girard Twp. (Elk Creek Access Area) Western Erie County. Anglers and sportsmen are encouraged to mark this important meeting on their calenders. Your voice at this meeting is highly important to assure that angling concerns are considered in project planning for this property. The meeting will be held December 7th, 2005 at 7:00 PM at the Girard High School Auditorium. Stop Signs At Walnut Creek Access The stop signs at Walnut Creek Access mean what they say . . STOP!! With the increase foot traffic between the parking area and Walnut Creek . . . it is more important than ever to obey these signs at the entrance to the access area. The most often heard excuse is that the driver was looking over the bank at the creek and never saw the sign. That means they wouldn't have seen the child that ran to the car for something or the husband & wife out for a stroll, or the neighboring landowner walking their dog. The stop sign at the entrance to the Walnut Creek parking area has been dramatically increased in size and can actually be seen as far away as Manchester road...there really is no excuse for not stopping. Thursday. Thursday night. Friday. Friday night. Saturday. Saturday night. Sunday. Sunday night. Monday. Monday night. Tuesday. |