WEST ERIE COUNTY, DWCO Randy Leighton, WCO Brook Tolbert Conditions: There are fair to good reports of steelhead being caught in Presque Isle Bay and Marina Bay at Presque Isle State Park. A number of anglers floating shiners have picked up an occasional steelhead while targeting perch and crappie. Best bets right now would be to target deeper water at the tributary mouths as well as the lakeshore at Trout and Godfrey Runs on calm days. A few fish are being pulled from the Walnut Creek basin for the patient anglers. Lake Erie water temperature as of this writing is 49 degrees. Area tributary conditions as of this writing are extremely low and clear. Law Enforcement: The area upstream of Streuchan Flats is posted property, on both sides of Elk Creek. Beckman Road area is also posted. The PFBC controlled parking area at intersection of West road and Sterritania road (across form the Elk Creek Inn) is now open and its use is encouraged. Anglers fishing the upper stretches of Elk Creek are reminded that parking along Interstate 90 is prohibited and will be strictly enforced by the Pennsylvania State Police. Growing Greener Town Meeting: Growing Greener II is a proposed four year initiative financed by an $800 million bond that legislators can help put on the ballot and voters must approve. Funding will be used to finance a wide range of environmental projects that will ultimately have an immeasurable impact on our quality of life. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments. The public is welcome those of particular interest would include all sportsmen, elected officials, environmentalists, concerned citizens, and businesses that depend on tourism and recreation. For More Information Contact: (814) 824-2407 Are you a senior citizen? Support Your Local Sportsmens' Clubs: The S.O.N.S. (Save Our Native Species) of Lake Erie Fishing Club is an active organization of with nearly 2000 members. Established in 1981, they are dedicated to the improvement of fishing on Lake Erie and its Pennsylvania tributaries. The organization has acted as a lobbyist for regulations supporting the growth of the Lake Erie fishery. They are a members of the Co-operative Nursery Branch of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Through this alliance they have established a fish hatchery that annually produces and stocks approximately 1 million Walleye and 2 million Yellow Perch into Presque Isle Bay. Steelhead and Brown Trout are also produced in the hatchery. The S.O.N.S. also participate in the P.F.B.C. adopt-a-stream program. They were active in the clean up and stocking of Cascade creek, a previously polluted stream which was a receptor of industrial out fall. The Club, partnered with the P.F.B.C., has annually built and placed appropriate structures in the waters of Presque Isle Bay which provide habitat for the fish that call these waters their home. The S.O.N.S. have stood in the forefront to support free public access to the waters of Presque Isle Bay and Lake Erie. As a result of the club's encouragement, ordinances and regulations have been enacted in the City of Erie that provide for free public access in all new developments on Presque Isle Bay. Local Weather: