WEST ERIE COUNTY, DWCO Randy Leighton Conditions: Area temperatures have melted off a considerable amount of ice. There is a fair amount of open water on Elk and Walnut Creeks in the upper areas as well as most of the Project waters and the Manchester Hole. Reports from the tribs have been varied, however there seems to be enough fish to keep anglers busy. Fishing pressure on the tribs is light at this point. Most of the fish have been in the tribs for a while although a few fresh ones have been able to move in. Anglers on the tribs have been having the best success with eggs and egg patterns as well as shiners and streamer patterns. Presque Isle bay was hot this past weekend with hundreds of anglers out enjoying some beautiful ice fishing weather. The largest crowds were fishing off the first, second, and third parking lots on Presque Isle. The pan fish were biting and many limits were observed. Shiners were the most popular bait although the most successful anglers were trying a variety of baits from tipped jigs to micro blade baits. Ice Advisory: With temperatures again predicted near 50 later this week, ice anglers should be using extreme caution now. Actual hard ice on Presque Isle Bay has varied anywhere from 7 to 12" with a layer of frozen snow and slush on top. This crusted layer on top can make the actual ice thickness deceiving. Sons of Lake Erie Outing: The S.O.N.S of Lake Erie in cooperation with area PFBC officers put on a very successful ice fishing demonstration on the water works pond at Presque Isle this past weekend. Many youngsters along with their parents were introduced to ice fishing and were given an opportunity to try it first hand. Deputy Executive Director Dennis Guise to Leave the PFBC: In a letter to the staff and employees of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission last week, Deputy Executive Director Dennis Guise announced the he would be leaving his position to go on as Chief Counsel for another agency. In his letter he stated his "years of service with the Fish and Boat Commission have been rewarding in many ways. The greatest reward undoubtedly relates to the people who I've worked with over the years. There are so many great characters whose professional and personal lives touched mine. I was hired by Ralph Abele and got to work directly with him for nearly ten years. Ralph was a hero to me and to many others. I've formed many lasting friendships, which I'm sure will endure even as my work changes. I am leaving the Commission at a time of change. Change is all around us as an agency, in our lives and careers. I am convinced the future of our agency is bright." Thank you Mr. Guise for your many years of dedicated service, your positive attitude and your commitment to the Pennsylvania anglers and boaters. We wish you well. Correction to the 2004 Pennsylvania Summary of Fishing Regulations and Laws: On page 21 of the booklet (this is the booklet that you typically receive with your fishing license) a correction should be noted under the Lake Erie regulations for Small and Largemouth bass. The corrections are made to reflect Saturday start days for these seasons. It should read as follows: Jan. 1 through April 16 and June 12 through December 31 - 15 inches April 17 through June 11 - 20 inches Boating Safety Course Reminder: The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will be conducting a Safe Boating class on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 23rd and 24th. Class will be held at the Stull Interpretive Center at Presque Isle State Park from 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM each evening. This comprehensive 8 hour class is designed for the novice boater or boater to be, as well as the experienced boater who would like to refresh his knowledge. The class covers basic boating safety, boating laws and regulations, and equipment. Successful completion of the course qualifies the individual for a Pennsylvania boating education safety certificate. This certificate is required for all personal watercraft operators, individuals 12-15 years of age that will be operating a boats powered by 10 HP or more, and for all individuals born after January 1st, 1982 that operate motorboats of more than 25 horsepower. There is no charge for the course or materials, although registration is required. To register by email, write DWCO Randy Leighton at rglerie@aol.com with your name, address, and phone number or you can call WCO Brook Tolbert at 774-4672. There are still openings in this class for those of you that desire a hands on class experience. For Our Pittsburgh Readers from Marc Gergely, State Representative, 35th District: I'm hosting a Policy Hearing on Sportsman Related Issues In Pittsburgh regarding the following: 1. Merger (I'm Opposed) 2. BassMaster Classic coming to Pgh. 3. Sunday Hunting Place: Carnegie Library Homestead Time: 3:30-5:30 Date: 3/11/04 I will have testimony presented from professionals in all three catagories and the details and scope of these issues will be put forth to the public for commentary. This is the first hearing in Pittsburgh in two years and I'm excited to be the host. Come if you can and meet your legislators and hear the issues... Marc Gergely State Representative 35th District Local Weather: Wednesday night Mostly clear. Lows in the upper teens. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Thursday Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Thursday night Partly cloudy. Lows near 20. Southeast winds around 10 mph. Friday Mostly sunny. Highs near 40. Friday night Mostly clear. Lows 25 to 30. Saturday Partly cloudy. Highs near 50. Saturday night Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 30s. Sunday Mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 50s. Sunday night Mostly cloudy. A chance of showers late. Lows in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 30 percent. Monday Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Highs near 50. Chance of rain 40 percent. Monday night Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Lows in the lower 30s. Chance of rain 40 percent. Tuesday Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow or rain showers. Cooler. Highs in the upper 30s. Chance of precipitation 30 percent