Cub Scout Pack 59 Takes Over Misery Bay:
Cub scout pack 59 from Our Lady of Peace Parish here in Erie invaded Misery Bay this past Sunday for a day of ice fishing. Twenty Five scouts along with many parents tried their hand at hard water fishing. Many of the boys had never ice fished and a number of them had never fished at all. Although the catches were sporatic, the boys had a great time with plenty of hot chocolate to keep them warm and a beautiful day to enjoy the ice. Cub Master Tim Harrington asked that a special thanks be given to Hansen's Bait stand on Presque Isle for donating all the bait and to Judge McLaughlin who donated a power auger to make the drilling easier.

Nice limit of Gills caught on artificial bait

The kids (and adults) had a ball on the ice

Keeping warm and waiting out the big one

The Pack master said there's fish down there!

Starting them young, and showing them how

Not bad, a couple of these will fill the frying pan.