WESTERN ERIE COUNTY / DWCO RANDY LEIGHTON Conditions Anglers targeting walleye have been bringing in nice Steelhead in the 10 LB.+ range in 60 plus feet of water. A beautiful King Salmon was brought in this past weekend tipping the scales at over 20 LB. Stinger spoons have been the lure of choice. Near shore Steelhead action is light at best with no signs of any tributary runs as of this writing however jacks & an incredible 14.75# Steelie have been caught off of the jetty at Walnut Creek the last few days. Perch fishing continues to be great wind and waves permitting in 45'-47' of water north of Walnut Creek, the Lighthouse, and off the Condos. The Ohio Line has a school of perch in 59' of water as well.Fish Fry: The 3rd Annual Walnut Creek Fish Fry will begin at 1:00 PM on Sunday, September 8th at the Access Building. A sign up sheet for food donations is located in the lobby at the office along with a list of needed items but off the top of my head I know we are looking for pop, deviled eggs, buns & of course fish fillets. This event is a great end of the season gathering (end of boating/beginning of Steelhead) and is open to the public. For further information you can call the office at (814) 833-2464. Project Waters: Many anglers have been inquiring about the Walnut Creek Project holes. The PFBC has had the bottom 2 holes cleaned out & deepened. Chivers Construction was the original contractor on the Project Waters. With the trib levels so low, the Project Waters may be the prime early season angling area. Steelhead and Salmon limits: Trout and Salmon limits changed on September 3rd for Lake Erie and its Pennsylvania tributaries. The limit is now 3 fish in any combination only 2 of which may be Lake Trout. Minimum size limit is 15 inches for all trout and Salmon. Early season runs often bring the smaller jacks into the tribs and anglers are advised to measure rather than guess on the 15" minimum size. CENTRAL ERIE COUNTY / WCO TOM EDWARDS Well supposedly the boating season has officially ended, Sept brings cooler and shorter days. Those who continue to operate their watercraft need to be especially critical of your safety equipment as the temps start to decline over the next two months. Perch: Continues to be a very good year in the previously reported areas N. of the Lighthouse. We should start seeing catches increase in the Bay in the upcoming weeks. Bass: Nothing of note in the past week but that doesn't mean that they weren't being caught. Catfish: S. pier is really producing some nice Bullheads and the occasional Channel Cat in the early evening (7-10 P.M.) Walleye: Catches are modest 2-3 per boat but still worth a shot, if your luck is faltering go after perch. Edinboro Lake: Some questions regarding the jelly fish like creatures can be answered with this response from Andy Shiels PA Fish and Boat Commission Biologist: "Bryozoans are animals related to jellyfish and other primitive invertebrates. The animal itself is actually a colony of many individual bryozoans. The green color is due to the algae that also colonize the bryozoans. In fact just the name itself gives a clue as to the relationship between these two organisms; "bryo" refers to plant and "zoan" refers to animal. Bryozoans are usually attached to the substrate, often around submerged twigs or sticks. Sometimes they break away and then may settle wherever they come to rest. Breaking the colony up can result in new budding and growth and result in new colonies forming. They eat microscopic plankton and protozoans." EASTERN ERIE COUNTY / WCO MARK KERR Special Regs in effect: (applicable from September 3, 2002, through April 11, 2003) For detailed regulations regarding this extended season, please refer to page 18 of the 2002 Pennsylvania Summary of Fishing Regulations and Laws... Highlights: WALNUT, ELK, CROOKED, & RACCOON CREEK(S) -- Fishing Permitted with NO TIME RESTRICTIONS while north of SR 5. Closed, to fishing, 10:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m. (local time). TROUT, GODFREY & ORCHARD BEACH RUN(S) -- FISHING PROHIBITED, as these areas are Nursery Waters. Additionally, that area within 50 yards east & west of the mouths of Trout & Godfrey are CLOSED from 10:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m. CASCADE, MILL, PECK & EAST COUNTY 'MILE' CREEKS -- Fishing permitted, except CLOSED from 10:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m. Additionally, WADING is PROHIBITED within Peck Run. CONNEAUT CREEK & ITS TRIBUTARIES & TURKEY CREEK -- Fishing permitted with NO time restrictions. Smallmouth Bass... From Archer's Field through the New York Line, in depths from 8' through 22' Perch... In that area north of North East Marina in 50' of water. Misc.: Anglers who we spoke with this weekend, who fished within East County waters, didn't report catches of either Walleye or Steelhead, in any numbers to speak of. However, and file this under the 'believe it or not' category, while patrolling Lake LeBoeuf, this past weekend, we were told that one angler caught a 53" Muskellunge. We never saw it, but if it happened, I'll lay odds you'll see something in the local papers! EATON THEFTS We have been able to identify and return several pieces of property that were in possession of the individual arrested at Eaton Reservoir on 08-03-2002. However, there are still several hundred pieces of unclaimed property being held in the evidence room at the Lawrence Park Barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police. Once again, we encourage all persons who experienced theft of personal belongings, be it from a motor vehicle or watercraft, while engaged in activities within Erie/Warren Counties (Pennsylvania) or Chautauqua County (New York), to file a theft report with the State Police; additionally, reference to serial numbers and/or distinguishing marks, etc., will prove most helpful in the return of your stolen property. As of 08/27/2002, all aspects of this investigation were referenced to the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania State Police Crime Unit at Lawrence Park. Lead investigator is Tpr. Church, and he may be reached at (814) 898-1641. WESTERN CRAWFORD COUNTY / WCO JOE RUSSELL Pymatuning Lake- The Lake is in sad shape right now for fishing, at nearly 40" down from normal we need some rain bad. A lot of damage has been reported lately by the liveries on the lake because people are tearing up lower units from not knowing where they are going. If you are unsure go easy it might save you some serious money in the long run. Some small perch and Bluegill have been caught from shore this week and Carp at the spillway but until the water cools off I am afraid that might be it for a while. Conneaut Lake-The white bass have been being caught here lately and I have a tip from a fishermen, if you are targeting them look for the schools of minnows jumping out of the water and throw into that area, (they are jumping out for a reason they are being chased). Anything that resembles a minnow will work using this tactic and should help you in gain a few more fish for the creel. Bluegills are supposedly doing real well right now as well and they have been catching some with nice size.