Ice fishing updates: , ,
Fishing Report Posted: February 06, 2009

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[ Lake Erie & Tributaries Fishing Report ]

Posted by Capt. Bob Hughley on February 06, 2009 at 19:02:38:

Over the past week the catching has been hit and miss. Yesterday very few walleyes came to the parking lot. Today it was a little better, but still not that great. Remember, your not getting cabin fever if your ice fishing. Both Crane Creek and Catawba are doing well, on a day to day trip and the best is yet to come. Those fish should start moving into the shallow water for pre spawn and late ice and it's only going to get better.
The ice is still holding and range between 8-14 inches based on were your at. But with the little rain, wind, and current watch the ice it can go very quickly.
The bait shops still have a good supply of bait and supplies like Rickards Bait and Tackle. I still have some dates open for 2 persons for the next two weeks and based on the weather.
Good fishin
Capt Bob Hughey

[ Lake Erie & Tributaries Fishing Report ]
