Well the last week has been a very strange one , between storm, mayflies, sheep head, steelhead, 4th boat traffic, and basic weather. That’s saying a lot about the upcoming week, but this week should be a very good week for both walleye, steelhead, and perch. Last week we had bad storms come through that turned off the walleye, as well as a mayfly hatch that we had late in the week. We will continue to have hatches throughout the month, but they should be small ones. Also, take a lot of bait because the sheep head are hard at work. Thank you for the 4th to be over, maybe the boat traffic will settle down for the week and we can start to catch some nice perch. Did I say perch, yes all the bait shops were out of minnows by Sunday morning because the perch fishing has started on the lake. You could see packs of perch fishing boats south of Kelley’s Island, Cedar Point fog horn, and Marblehead Lighthouse areas. This is a good sign for early summer perch fishing, but remember the limit is 25 per person. The walleye and a few steelhead are being caught east of Kelley’s Island in 40 plus foot of water. Both the trollers and drifters have caught nice fish with a few fish Ohio’s in the box. Further west the reef area is still producing smaller walleye and northwest of West Sister Island is starting to produce walleye. And remember the catches are still based on the mayfly hatch and the wind direction. In Canada some reports of walleye are being made, but limited catches at this time. .We still have some prime dates open at summer rates, just contact us on our web site: www.lakeeriefishing911.com. Good fishin Capt Bob Hughey |