A pretty good week. The weather this past week was perfect for drift fishing. We had temperatures in the 70's most every day and the winds were fairly light all week till Saturday when very gusty west, south west winds kicked in making vertical jigging very tough. The jigging bite in general though to me appears to be winding down somewhat. The Walleyes seem to be coming from deeper water now and the junk fish are really starting to come on strong. |
Along with the junk fish such as the Sheephead and White Perch, the Smallmouth Bass are really firing up as well. We took Smallmouth on every outing this past week aboard "The Trophy". Some of these Bass were well over four lbs.! Nice bonus action in addition to the fine Walleye fishing that we are experiencing. All of these fish are still being caught on the purple jigs that we've been bouncing the last two weeks. Water temps are now pushing the mid 50's and that is reason the Bass are firing up. |
As the jig bite winds down, other drifting opportunities will begin to present themselves. I believe the night crawler and harness's bite is ready to kick in. I already put a flat of night crawlers on the boat in anticipation of things to come. This coming week I hope to do some bottom bouncing with the spinners and crawlers if the wind is right. And as always, I have all my trolling gear on board should we be forced to go to plan "B". Those that have already been trolling have been having excellent results. We try to stick to drifting as much as possible aboard "The Trophy" in the spring months but I will do what it takes to put fish in the box. |
Well it looks like we have real crap for weather moving in for the first half of this coming week. Temps Monday are not expected to get out of the 40's. Along with the cooler weather, winds and waves are supposed to kick in with a north, north west fetch. One good thing about the cooler weather. This should drag out the jig bite a bit longer. We will just have to see how this all plays out. I guess it's just a bit of a reality check after the fine weather we have had the last two weeks. We still have a few open dates left for May. Call me at (216) 387-2656 for more info. Capt. Walt |