ODNR Fishing Report for 04/22/2008: Western Basin, OH,
Fishing Report Posted: April 23, 2008

Brought to you by FishLakeErie.com

[ Lake Erie & Tributaries Fishing Report ]

Posted by ODNR on April 23, 2008 at 08:19:02:

Walleye fishing is improving as the temperature increases and the water clears. The best jig fishing continues to be in Maumee Bay, nearshore from Crane Creek to Locust Point, around “K” can of the Camp Perry range, and on the reefs of the Camp Perry firing range. Trollers are catching fish around Rattlesnake Island and North Bass Island, from North Bass Island to Gull Island Shoal, and from Gull Island Shoal to Kelleys Island. Use extreme caution when boating in low water temperatures.

Based on the nearshore forecast the water temperature is 51 off of Toledo and 42 off of Cleveland.

[ Lake Erie & Tributaries Fishing Report ]
