WALLEYE; Over the last week strong storms and winds have slowed down the walleye fishing in the western end of Lake Erie. Walleyes are still being caught between F and G cans on the canadian line and north of the firing line in 30' of water. Both the drifters using casting rigs and the trollers using spoons and jet divers were taking walleyes in those areas, but limits were taking a full day of hard fishing. Other areas, like Gull and Kelley shoal were still producing walleyes early in the morning in the deep areas around those shoals. Across the line in Canada, walleyes are being taken north and south of the wagon wheel in 30' of water. PERCH: Perch are still doing well west of the island area and just east of Ballast Island. Nice perch are staring to be caught north of the Cedar foghorn and north of the Lighthouse. Best bait is shinners and spreaders. SMALLMOUTH BASS: Bass fishing was slow last week due to the weather, but with stable weather coming in this week the fishing should pick up. The best depth has been 22' to 26' of water. Just off the rocks have been good for the bass. Both the U.S. and Canadian shoals are your best bet. For further reports contact us on www.lakeeriefishing911.com. Good Fishin' Capt. Bob Hughey |