WALLEYE: Over the last week with strong winds and a northern cold front, walleye fishing has slowed up a little in the western end. The best news is that the mayflies may have finally finished and the walleye will again get focus on the fisherman. Walleyes are being taken just north of the range cans to the Canadian line. Both the trollers and drifters are taking the walleye just off the bottom in 30' of water. Closer to the islands the rock piles are holding good size walleyes with early bite just after daybreak being the best time. Around Kelley Island walleyes are being taken on harnesses from 8' to 30' breaks on both the north and south side of the island. BASS: Last week was a great week for the bass around the island area. Bass up to 21' were personally caught in 12' to 16' breaks. Best areas were around Kelley's Island and Gull Reef. Good reports of bass were taken around the upper bass island areas. Soft craws and plastic baits were the main baits for the smallies. PERCH: Very good catches, including limits and size were being taking around the island area despite the cold front late last week. Best areas were just west of Rattlesnake Island and east of Ballast Island in 40' of water. Also, Marblehead and Cedar Point fog horn areas are still producing nice perch. Best bait are shinners which are a little large at this time, so we're cutting them in halves for better effect. All bait shop in the area have a good dupply of bait on hand for bass and perch. If you want some great bass or perch fishing, feel free in contacting me, the Canadian fishing is really getting hot for both bass and walleye and the license is $18.00 for one days. Good fishin' Capt. Bob Hughey mrbass@lakeerie911.c0m |