WALLEYE Throughout the past week signs of the yearly mayfly hatch has shown up along the south shore of Lake Erie. Everyday the hatch becomes stronger and of course the fishing has slowed down a little. Due to the soft winds and the hatch, the boats have moved out to the flats just below F Can. The water is very clear and limits are being taken during the morning hours. Most of the active walleye are located between 20' to 26' in the 32' water area. Due to the glass like water conditions the trollers are taking the walleye on 40 jets and dipsys, using stinger like spoons. The casters are taking the walleyes with 1/2 to 3/4 oz worm harnesses with gold or purple blades. Just remember if you're not casting you're not catching and take a lot of bait with you on your trip, the sheephead and white perch are in high gear and the bait goes fast. Around the island area, walleyes are being caught at Kelly Island and American Eagle Reefs, and just west of Green and Rattlesnake islands. The water is clearing up around the reef area and it's holding alot of walleye, but the more active ones are north of the range cans in 30' of water. Further west, the walleyes are being taken between Anchor Point and West Sister. Both the trollers and casters are getting limits on a daily bases, remember to fish the clear water if possible and the pockets of fish are small. PERCH A few boats are taking perch around Green island and between Kelly's island and Marblehead using shiners. Bait is still in good supply at the local bait shops like Rickards Bait & Tackle located on 269N/163. SMALLMOUTH BASS just two weekends until the bass season opens in the Canadian and U.S. waters on Lake Erie. The outlook is very good for the summer and fall months. For further/daily information, you can contact me at mrbass@lrbcg.com Good Fishin' and Safe Boating |