** The daily bag limit for walleye on Ohio waters of Lake Erie is 6 fish per angler through February 29. From March 1 through April 30 the daily bag limit is 4 fish per angler. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”. **
** The daily bag limit for yellow perch is 30 fish per angler on all Ohio waters of Lake Erie.**
** The steelhead daily bag limit is 2 fish per angler with a minimum size limit of 12”.
** The Lake Erie black bass (largemouth and smallmouth) daily bag limit is 5 fish with a minimum size limit of 14”.**
Walleye have been caught by trollers fishing around the Camp Perry firing range buoys when the weather has allowed over the past week (as of 2-29-12). The northern buoys have produced the most fish. The best lures have been Reef Runners and Rapala husky jerks. The water temperature is 34 degrees off of Toledo and 34 degrees off of Cleveland according to the nearshore marine forecast. Steelhead Trout: For the Steelhead fishing report see the ohiodnr.com web site: Go to - Wildlife - Fishing - Lake Erie - Steelhead trout fishing
Anglers are encouraged to always wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device while boating.
Source: ODNR |