ODNR Fishing Report for 10/04/2011:

Article Posted: October 05, 2011

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** The daily bag limit for walleye on Ohio waters of Lake Erie is 6 fish. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”. **

** The daily bag limit for yellow perch is 30 fish per angler on all Ohio waters of Lake Erie.**

** The steelhead daily bag limit is 2 fish per angler with a minimum size limit of 12”.

** The Lake Erie black bass (largemouth and smallmouth) daily bag limit is 5 fish with a minimum size limit of 14”.**

Western Basin

Walleye: There have been very few walleye reports from the western basin recently. The best reports have come from Kelleys Island Shoal and Gull Island Shoal. Expect walleye fishing to improve as water temperatures drop and migratory walleye move back towards the west from the central basin.

Yellow perch: Windy weather limited fishing over the past weekend (Oct. 1-2). Prior to the wind the best areas had been NW of West Sister Island, E of Niagara Reef, around Rattlesnake Island, off of West Reef, off of Ballast Island, and E of Kelleys Island. Anglers are using spreaders with shiners (emerald or golden) fished near the bottom.

Central Basin

Walleye: The walleye have scattered offshore of Ashtabula and Conneaut and there were no reports for walleye this week

Yellow perch: Prior to 3 straight days of high winds and waves, good fishing was reported 42-50’ NW of Chagrin River, 42-60’ NE of Wildwood State Park, 51’ N-NW of Fairport, 60' NE of Ashtabula and 62-64' NW of Conneaut. Perch spreaders with shiners fished on the bottom produces the most fish. Anglers have been using golden shiners when emerald shiners are not available. A few fish have been caught off the Mentor Headlands breakwall. Mornings and evenings have been best.

White Bass: Fishing has been slow off the Eastlake CEI breakwall and Mentor Headlands breakwall. For boat anglers, fishing has been good in the Cleveland area, look for gulls feeding on schools of shiners at the surface. The white bass will be below the shiners.

Channel Catfish: Anglers are catching fish off the Mentor Headlands breakwall at night using night crawlers. Fish are also being caught along the Grand River at the St Clair St bridge.

Steelhead Trout: See the ohiodnr.com web site: Go to - Wildlife - Fishing - Lake Erie - Steelhead trout fishing

The water temperature is 56 degrees off of Toledo and 62 degrees off of Cleveland according to the nearshore marine forecast.

Source: ODNR

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