ODNR Fishing Report for 04/27/2010:

Article Posted: April 28, 2010

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** Free Fishing Days are May 1st and 2nd **

** 2010 fishing licenses are now on sale and have been required since March 1, 2010 **

** The daily bag limit for Lake Erie walleye is 4 fish per angler until May 1, when the limit will return to 6 fish per day. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”. **

** The daily bag limit for Lake Erie yellow perch is 25 fish per angler in waters west of the Huron pier. The limit will remain at 30 fish per angler in Ohio waters from Huron eastward. Any boats landing west of Huron, Ohio will be subject to the 25 fish daily bag limit, while boats landing at Huron or points east will be subject to a 30 fish daily bag limit. Shore-based anglers west of the Huron pier will be subject to a 25 fish daily bag limit, while those on the pier and eastward will remain at 30 fish daily. Beginning May 1 the bag limit will return to 30 fish per day on all Ohio waters of Lake Erie.**

** The steelhead daily bag limit is 2 fish September 1 through May 15. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches. **

** The daily bag limit for Lake Erie black bass (largemouth and smallmouth) is 5 fish per angler. The minimum size limit is 14”. The catch-and-release only (no possession) season begins May 1 and runs through June 25. **

When conditions have allowed walleye fishing has continued to be exceptional. Even as the spawn begins to wind down, limits are still being caught by anglers jigging hair jigs (with and without shiners) or vibrating blade baits in Maumee Bay, nearshore around Turtle Creek, and on some of the Camp Perry reefs. Trolling catches of post-spawn walleye has improved from the outer buoys of the Camp Perry firing range to Kelleys Island, using both crankbaits and spinners. Good catches of yellow perch have been reported between Marblehead and Kelleys Island, east of Kelleys Island, and north of Lorain.

For the most recent river walleye run update visit: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/FishingSubhomePage/FishingProspectsandReports/fishingfreportwalleyerunreport/tabid/6127/Default.aspx

For the most current steelhead information visit: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/FishingSubhomePage/fisheriesmanagementplaceholder/fishingfairportsteelhead/tabid/6166/Default.aspx

Anglers are encouraged to always wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device while boating.

Source: ODNR

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