**2010 fishing licenses are now on sale and have been required since March 1, 2010** ** The daily bag limit for Lake Erie walleye is 4 fish per angler until May 1, when the limit will return to 6 fish per day. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”. **
When conditions have allowed walleye fishing has continued to be exceptional. Limits have been caught by anglers jigging with hair jigs or vibrating blade baits in Maumee Bay, nearshore around Turtle Creek, and on some of the Camp Perry reefs. Large walleye have been caught by trollers fishing around the outer buoys of the Camp Perry firing range and also around Kelleys Island. Good catches of yellow perch have been reported between Marblehead and Kelleys Island, and also east of Kelleys Island. *For the most recent river walleye run update visit*: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/FishingSubhomePage/FishingProspectsandReports/fishingfreportwalleyerunreport/tabid/6127/Default.aspx For the most current steelhead information visit: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/FishingSubhomePage/fisheriesmanagementplaceholder/fishingfairportsteelhead/tabid/6166/Default.aspx
Source: ODNR |