Motorized Trail Planning Meetings Scheduled COLUMBUS, OH - The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Office of Trails invites Ohioans to a series of public meetings around the state to provide input for motorized trail planning activities. "ODNR is developing a motorized trails plan that will be the blueprint for our office in terms of grant funding and issues management," said Dameyon Shipley, manager of the Office of Trails. "Motorized trails have had a place in previous trails plans, but based on the increasing number of motorized trail users and a steadily growing network of such trails, a dedicated plan is necessary." The motorized trail planning meetings will identify key issues facing trail development in the state and explain what assistance the ODNR Office of Trails can provide. Information obtained through public comment at the meetings will help guide the ODNR motorized trail grant program and ensure a coordinated approach to motorized trails statewide. Date & Time Location Address City Phone March 11, 6-8 p.m. Cleveland Metroparks Canalway Visitors Center
Source: ODNR |