ODNR Fishing Report for 01/30/2008: OH

Article Posted: January 30, 2008

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**The yellow perch daily bag limit on Lake Erie has been reduced to 30 fish per day. The change in yellow perch bag limit occurred after the printing of fishing regulations brochure. The 2007-2008 fishing regulations brochure incorrectly lists the Lake Erie yellow perch bag limit as 40 fish per day, which has now been changed to 30.**

**The black bass (largemouth and smallmouth) daily bag limit is 5 fish with a 14” minimum size limit.**

**The walleye daily bag limit is 6 fish. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”.**

**The steelhead trout daily bag limit is 2. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.**

As of today (1/30/08) all Lake Erie ice should be considered unsafe. By the end of the past week some ice fishing had started, but warm weather and rain followed by wind gusts of over 50 mph have likely done serious damage to any ice that had been fishable. It will take sustained cold, calm weather to re-establish safe ice.

To view the latest steelhead fishing reports visit: http://www.ohiodnr.com/Home/FishingSubhomePage/fisheriesmanagementplaceholder/fishingfairportsteelhead/tabid/6166/Default.aspx

Source: ODNR

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