**The yellow perch daily bag limit on Lake Erie has been reduced to 30 fish per day. The change in yellow perch bag limit occurred after the printing of fishing regulations brochure. The 2007-2008 fishing regulations brochure incorrectly lists the Lake Erie yellow perch bag limit as 40 fish per day, which has now been changed to 30.** **From May 1 through June 29 black bass (largemouth and smallmouth bass) are illegal to possess on Ohio waters of Lake Erie. It is legal to fish for black bass during the closed season, but any that are caught must me immediately released.** **The walleye daily bag limit is 6 fish. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”.** **The steelhead trout daily bag limit is 5. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.** Western Basin Walleye fishing has been excellent in many areas of the western basin. In the far west the best fishing has been from the turnaround buoy of the Toledo shipping channel to the gravel pit and West Sister Island. The firing range and the islands area have also been excellent. Fish have been caught near “A” and “B” cans of the Camp Perry firing range, west of Green Island, west of North Bass Island around West Reef, on Gull Island Shoal, and the west side of Kelleys Island. Worm harnesses have been very effective drifted behind bottom bouncers or trolled with inline weights or jet divers. Trollers have also had success with spoons on jets or dipsys. Although most of the angling effort has been directed towards walleye plenty of opportunities exist to catch yellow perch and smallmouth bass. Remember that we are currently in the catch and release only season for smallmouth bass and the yellow perch daily bag limit has been reduced to 30 for the entire season. Central Basin Walleye fishing has been excellent from Cranberry Creek to the Vermilion condos east of the river in 20 to 32 feet of water, including Ruggles Reef. Trolling crankbaits and dipsys or jets with spoons or worm harnesses has been productive. Walleye have also been caught trolling in 35 to 50 feet of water off Cleveland, Eastlake, and Rocky River, also two to four miles off Eastlake, Fairport, Geneva and Ashtabula in 45 to 55 feet of water. Anglers are trolling jet divers or dipsy divers with spoons ranging in purple/black, blue/silver, or copper/orange color combos. Trolling worm harnesses (same colors and watermelon) and long crankbaits have also been successful. Some steelhead are starting to show up with the walleye catches off Ashtabula and Geneva. Yellow perch fishing has been best off of the Lorain lighthouse, off of the Vermilion condos, and in 25-35 or in 45-55 feet of water off of Edgewater Marina (in Cleveland), Fairport Harbor, Ashtabula and Conneaut. Shore anglers are catching yellow perch off the piers in Lorain, Fairport, Mentor Headlands and Conneaut. Perch spreaders with shiners or worm harnesses fished near the bottom produce the most fish. Smallmouth bass fishing has been good in harbor areas, and in 15 to 25 feet of water along the shoreline in Conneaut, Ashtabula, Geneva and Fairport Harbor. Fish were caught on tube jigs, crankbaits, and jigs tipped with minnows, nightcrawlers, or leeches. Surface temperatures range from 72 degrees off of Toledo to 62 degrees off of Cleveland.
Source: ODNR |