**The walleye daily bag limit is 6 fish. A 15" minimum size limit for walleye remains in effect for the entire season. The Lake Erie daily bag limit for yellow perch is 40 fish. The daily bag limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 5. The minimum size limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 14". The steelhead trout bag limit 2. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.** Temperatures well below freezing have accelerated ice production on Lake Erie and its harbors. Although conditions in protected areas are improving, the open water ice should still be considered unsafe as high winds have kept thick ice from forming. Predicted highs are still below freezing in the most recent (2-6-’07) ten day forecast. Before planning an ice fishing trip call bait stores or ice guides to check local conditions. Also pay attention to wind forecasts when venturing out on the main lake. Wind shifts can cause wide cracks to open in the ice and prevent crossing back over the crack when trying to return. Steelhead: For recent updates on the steelhead fishery visit the Division of Wildlife steelhead web page at: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/wildlife/fishing/fairport/steelhead.htm
Source: ODNR |