ODNR Fishing Report for 01/09/2007:

Article Posted: January 10, 207

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**The walleye daily bag limit is 6 fish. A 15" minimum size limit for walleye remains in effect for the entire season. The Lake Erie daily bag limit for yellow perch is 40 fish. The daily bag limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 5. The minimum size limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 14". The steelhead trout bag limit 2. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.**

With decreasing water temperatures, be sure to take extra precaution when fishing on Lake Erie.

Colder temperatures are returning. Based on the 1/9/07 forecast the weather will start limiting main lake access compared to the mild weather the first week of January.

Lake Erie continued to produce rare January open water walleye fishing opportunities with some limit catches including trophy fish up to and over 10 pounds. The best fishing recently has been around the Huron dumping grounds and nearshore from Huron to Vermilion. Fish have also been caught along the Cleveland lakefront. Crankbaits have been the ticket for both numbers and size, and large fish are being taken on Reef Runners, Ripsticks (try Blueberry Muffin, Blue Hawaiian, Wonderbread, and Mooneye), and Rapala Husky Jerks (Glass colors seem better). Most fish have been caught in the upper portion of the water column. Night fishing success from both piers and boats has been sporadic.

Steelhead: For recent updates on the steelhead fishery visit the Division of Wildlife steelhead web page at: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/wildlife/fishing/fairport/steelhead.htm

Source: ODNR

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