“WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET” IS KEY MESSAGE OF SAFE BOATING WEEK IN OHIO State Watercraft Officers To Distribute Reminder Bracelets May 20-26 COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio boaters are reminded during National Safe Boating Week that the proper and consistent use of life jackets remain the best way to increase safety while on the water, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Boating law administrators and safety education experts are calling upon recreational boaters to increase their use of life jackets as part of the National Safe Boating Week observance, May 20-26. “Properly wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket that is of the correct type, size and fit has proven to save lives on our waterways,” said Mike Quinn, acting chief of the ODNR Division of Watercraft. Beginning May 19, state watercraft officers will distribute wrist bracelets to boaters who are properly wearing life jackets while supplies last. The bracelets are inscribed with the words “Wear Your Life Jacket.” Ohio law requires that children under age 10 on any boat less than 18 feet long wear a life jacket of the correct size and type while that boat is underway. Any person who rides on a jet-propelled personal watercraft or is towed behind a boat (such as a tuber or water skier) must also wear a life jacket, regardless of age. Focusing on safe boating practices throughout the entire recreational season helps to ensure that boating remains a safe pastime. For more information on boating safety tips, educational programs and more, visit the Division of Watercraft web page at ohiodnr.com or call toll-free 1-877-4BOATER.
Source: ODNR |