**The walleye daily bag limit is 6 fish. A 15" minimum size limit for walleye remains in effect for the entire season. The Lake Erie daily bag limit for yellow perch is 40 fish. Lake Erie black bass (smallmouth and largemouth bass) are closed to possession (catch and release only) May 1 through June 23. The daily bag limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 5 after June 23. The minimum size limit for black bass on Lake Erie is 14". The steelhead trout bag limit increased to 5 on May 16. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.**
**In the past few weeks many dead freshwater drum have been reported floating on Lake Erie and washing up on the shoreline. Samples have been taken from the drum and all symptoms point toward a viral infection. A lab analysis will be available in 6 to 8 weeks to confirm the cause of the die off. Although a few other species have been found with the drum there is no evidence of the viral symptoms in anything but drum. The other species found dead are common this time of year and can most likely be attributed to normal spawning stress induced mortality. The drum die off will continue to be monitored and results of the lab analysis will be reported when available.** Walleye fishing has been best around A and D cans of the Camp Perry firing range, W of West Sister Island, and north of Kelleys Island. Drifters are using mayfly rigs or worm harnesses with bottom bouncers, while trollers are using worm harnesses, jet divers and spoons, or crankbaits.
The yellow perch spawn is primarily over and fishing has slowed compared to a few weeks ago, but many nice perch are still being caught. The best areas have been NW of Kelleys Island, SE of Kelleys Island, around Gull Island Shoal, and S of Luci’s Point (Middle Bass Island). Most perch have been 8 to 10 inches with some up to 13 inches. Perch spreaders with shiners fished near the bottom produce the most perch.
For Steelhead fishing information visit: http://www.ohiodnr.com/wildlife/Fishing/fairport/steelhead.htm Lake Erie surface temperatures range from 54 to 56 degrees. Source: ODNR |