ODNR Fishing Report for 11/02/005: OH

Article Posted: November 02, 2005

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The best walleye fishing recently has been on Kelleys Island shoal, Gull Island shoal, and west of the south end of the Lorain sandbar. Many of the fish being caught have ranged from 15 to 18” from the 2003 year class, but a few larger fish have been reported. Spoons or crawler harnesses trolled deep with dipsy divers, jet divers or downriggers have produced the most consistent catches, while crankbaits have produced some of the larger fish. On the shoals fish have also been caught by drifting crawler harnesses or casting weight forward spinners.

Yellow Perch
The best yellow perch fishing has been E of the Kelleys Island airport, on Clinton Reef west of Catawba, just east of Lorain, 2 to 3 miles N of Geneva, 2 to 3 miles N from Ashtabula to Conneaut in 52’ of water, 3 mile NW of Euclid Creek in 42’ of water, and 5 miles N of the Chagrin River in 53’ of water. A perch spreader tipped with shiners is the most popular set-up. Fish have ranged from 8-12 inches.

Lake Erie surface temperatures range from 51 to 55 degrees.

Source: ODNR

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