ODNR Fishing Report 03/16/2005: OH

Article Posted: March 16, 2005

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** The 15" walleye minimum size limit remains in effect for the entire
season. From March 1 through April 30 the walleye limit on Lake Erie
and its tributaries is 3 fish per day. Anglers are reminded that the
daily bag limit for trout and salmon on Lake Erie and its tributaries is
2 fish through May 15. The trout and salmon minimum size limit is 12

*2005 Ohio fishing licenses are now available.*

Lake Erie is currently in a state of transition between ice and open
water. A majority of the western basin is open water, but access is
limited by ice nearshore and in harbors. The central basin is still
primarily ice covered east of Avon. A combination of warmer
temperatures, rain and wind in the forecast should help to further break
up the remaining ice cover. Within a few weeks access to the open water
should be greatly improved for boaters. Early in the season extreme
caution is necessary with sub 40 degree surface temperatures. Boaters
should dress appropriately and always wear life jackets.

Walleye fishing in the Maumee and Sandusky Rivers is under way, but
there are not many walleye in the rivers yet. On the Maumee River most
effort has been between Jerome Road and 475, and around Bluegrass
Island. Anglers in the Sandusky River are fishing just downstream of
the Hayes Avenue bridge. The best fishing generally occurs around the
first or second week of April with fish being caught from mid March
through early May. The most popular technique is to fish a floating
jighead tipped with a soft plastic curly tail. Use split-shot weights
12 to 24" ahead of the jighead for best results.

Source: ODNR

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