ODNR JOINS EFFORT TO INCREASE BOATING SAFETY AWARENSS National Safe Boating Week Observed May 22-28 in U.S. and CanadaCOLUMBUS, OH - The importance of wearing a life jacket is being promoted during National Safe Boating Week, May 22-28, by boating organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada, including the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). "The Memorial Day holiday weekend marks the traditional start of summer recreational season in Ohio and provides our most significant opportunity to focus public awareness on boating safely," said Ken Alvey, chief of the ODNR Division of Watercraft. "Most boating fatalities are preventable if boaters wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket and observe other safe boating practices." The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) reported 750 boating-related fatalities across the country during 2002, including 524 drowning deaths. Eighty-five percent of those victims who drowned were not wearing a life jacket. "Boating professionals and others in the marine industry know that life jackets save many lives each year," said Alvey. "Our goal and that of our boating partners is to increase public awareness of that fact and prevent unnecessary boating fatalities." As part of its observance, the ODNR Division of Watercraft and its statewide boating partners are conducting free vessel safety checks at public boat ramps, providing boating safety education courses and distributing boating safety information through the ODNR web page at ohiodnr.com In addition to properly wearing an approved life jacket, boaters are encouraged to enjoy safe boating by observing these safety tips: * Get a free boat safety inspection. * Take a boating education course. * Avoid alcohol consumption while boating. * Keep a proper lookout and always stay alert while boating. * Pay attention to "rules of the road" during all boating activities. * Do not extend beyond your boating skills. * Observe the safety and well being of all boat passengers. * Be prepared for an emergency and to render assistance if needed. The 2004 National Safe Boating Week-North American Safe Boating Campaign is led by the non-profit National Safe Boating Council. Among the national campaign partners are the USCG, the National Association of Boating Law Administrators, the Canadian Safe Boating Council, Canadian Coast Guard, USCG Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons and the nation's 50 state boating agencies.
Source: ODNR