Article Posted: April 20, 2004

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Contains previously unknown details about glacial sediments

COLUMBUS, OH - A new map that shows the glacial geology of southwest Ohio,
including Hamilton, Clermont, and portions of Butler and Warren counties, is
now available from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division
of Geological Survey.
This map will have both technical and non-technical applications for
geologists, engineers, land-use planners, ground water specialists,
educators and homeowners. The map is useful for anticipating potential
landslide hazards or locating sand and gravel resources, for example.
The full color, wall-size map is the first in a series of regional maps that
for the first time characterize the distribution and thickness of Ohio's
glacial, post-glacial and related deposits from the surface down through the
uppermost buried bedrock. The map includes text and figures as
interpretation guides, a list of data sources and a description of map
Ice Age glaciers reached what is now southwestern Ohio during three major
glacial episodes, depositing clay, silt, sand, and gravel across the
landscape. The map uses color to depict the distribution of the uppermost
deposits. A coding system helps identify the type and thickness of all major
unconsolidated material from the surface down to bedrock.
One remarkable feature of the map is the variable types and thickness of
sediment at the surface and in major river valleys such as the Great Miami
River, Little Miami River, Mill Creek, and the wide valleys now occupied by
Dicks Creek and Little Muddy Creek. Some valleys contain thick river
deposits, indicating a potential source of sand and gravel or water. Other
valleys have landslide-prone deposits of clay and silt, a well-known
geological hazard in the Cincinnati region. Until now the distribution and
thickness of these sediments were poorly understood.
Other maps in the surficial-geology map series will be released later in
2004 and 2005 for the regions of Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton,
Lancaster, and Newark.
Copies of the wall-size version of the Surficial Geology of the Ohio
portions of the Cincinnati and Falmouth map may be ordered for $15, plus $4
handling and $1.02 tax (Ohio addresses only). Add $1.50 for a tube to have
the map rolled. To get a map, call 614-265-6576 or write to ODNR Division of
Geological Survey, 4383 Fountain Square Drive, Columbus, OH 43224-1362.

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