**As of March 1, 2004 the bag limit for walleye on Ohio waters of Lake Erie and its tributaries is 3 fish. On May 1 the bag limit will return to 6 walleye. A new 15" minimum size limit for walleye is in place for the entire season. Single hook restrictions have also been extended to the mouth of Maumee Bay and Sandusky Bay. See the 2004-2005 Ohio fishing regulations brochure for a complete listing of all fishing regulations. 2004 licenses are required as of March 1.**Anglers are fishing for walleye on the reef complex north of Camp Perry, the Bass Islands area and around Marblehead. Water temperatures are in the mid to upper 30's and water clarities range from less than one foot around Marblehead to over three feet around the Islands and outside of the reef complex. Over the past weekend (3/27) limits of male walleye were caught by jigging the reefs and larger females were caught trolling near the reefs. ODNR walleye sampling on the reefs last week (3/25) produced many male walleye, and also the first females of the season. As the water warms expect more walleye to move into the reef complex area. Popular spring techniques include jigging shallow reef areas with shiner-tipped jigs or trolling crankbaits in open water surrounding the reefs. When fishing the reef complex be aware that ODNR sampling will be taking place throughout the spring. Nets are clearly marked with yellow flags and floats. Please stay clear of areas with nets. Rivers (report as of 3/29/2004)-
Maumee River - 50°, water is muddy, level is high. Anglers are taking good to excellent numbers of walleye (approx. 17"-23"), in the areas of Orleans Park, White Street & Ft. Meigs. Blue Grass Island is inaccessible. Anglers are using Carolina rigs with floating jig heads or ¼ oz. -3/4 oz. jigs with white, chartreuse, orange & hot pink twister tails. Outlook is excellent. Sandusky River - 47°, water is muddy, level is high. Anglers are taking excellent numbers of male & female walleye (approx. 18"-24"), between State Street and Hayes Street. Fish are being caught on ¼ oz. jigs with chartreuse, yellow & hot pink twister tails. Outlook is excellent. Steelhead: This is peak time to fish the Lake Erie tributaries for steelhead. As of 3/29/04 the main tributaries are improving, but rain in the forecast could quickly raise river levels again. If main tributaries become unfishable try smaller feeder creeks. Spawn sacs, jigs tipped with maggots, and flies are popular deep pool presentations. In shallower areas with gravel substrate and high current sucker spawn or brightly colored streamers work best. Rocky River:Fish from the Emerald Necklace marina up past the Nature Center. Cuyahoga River: Fish from the Rt. 82 dam up through the CVNRA. Chagrin River: Fish from the soccer fields to North Chagrin Reservation and also Eastlake CEI. Grand River: Fish from the Fairport pier up to Harpersfield Dam. Also try Big, Kellogg, and Paine creeks. Arcola Creek: Fish in the estuary pond area. Also try Cowles and Wheeler creeks. Ashtabula River: Fish the harbor up through Indian Trails Park. Conneaut Creek: Fish the harbor up through the PA line. Vermilion River: Fish from the boat ramp up past the Rt. 2 bridge to Kipton and Wakeman dams.
Source: ODNR