CHANGES IN STORE FOR THE 2004 YOUTH TURKEY HUNTING SEASON Extended hours and locations available COLUMBUS, OH - Big changes are in store for Ohio's upcoming youth wild turkey hunting season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. For the first time, all lands in Ohio, both public and private, will be open to hunting, and youth hunters (those age 17 and under) may hunt from a half hour before sunrise to sunset each day during the two-day season, April 24-25. In previous years, the youth turkey season was open only on public lands and only until noon each day. In addition to changes in hours and locations, the cost of a turkey permit has been lowered to $12 this year for both resident and non-resident youth hunters. A youth hunting license, regardless of residency, is $10. Previously, a non-resident hunting license was $91 regardless of age, while turkey permits were $20 across the board. Youth hunting licenses and permits are only available for those persons age 15 and younger. During the spring youth turkey season, all young hunters must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult. Youths may take two bearded turkeys during the spring season (the regular four-week season inclusive). Young hunters and their adult companions are reminded that hunting on private land requires written permission from the landowner. Turkeys killed on these two days must be checked by 6 p.m. the following day. Shotguns using shot, crossbows, and longbows are permitted. The regular spring turkey season runs April 26-May 23 and is open statewide from a half hour before sunrise to noon daily, except at the Lake La Su An Wildlife Area in Williams County. Special youth-only hunting seasons have grown in popularity and Ohio has been a leader in offering these opportunities to youngsters. ODNR sponsors youth-only hunts for waterfowl, deer, and upland game seasons.
Source: ODNR