CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI-AREA PEREGRINE FALCON PAIRS START NESTING SEASON IN OHIOCOLUMBUS, OH - Peregrine falcons are currently incubating eggs at two nest sites in the state, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Nests at the Cleveland Clinic Building in Cleveland and Miami Fort Power Plant near Cincinnati have been confirmed as having eggs. Wildlife biologists say early reports indicate that there are at least 11 pairs of peregrine falcons across the state. Single birds have been sighted in downtown Columbus and near Lorain. Ohioans can follow the progress of various peregrine nests at the ODNR Division of Wildlife's new peregrine web page found at By April, most peregrine falcons will have chosen or rebonded with mates and selected nest sites. As the nesting season develops, key events like egg-laying, hatching, and fledging at each active Ohio nest will be noted and summarized on the web site. Additional peregrine falcon pairs have been sighted in Akron, Canton, Cleveland (3), Ironton, Lakewood, Lima and Toledo and are expected to begin nests at any time. Although removed from the federal endangered species list in 1999, peregrine falcons remain an endangered species in Ohio. Ohio, along with several other Midwestern states, began introducing the birds in 1989, with several pairs released in cities between 1989 and 1992. Last year in Ohio, 13 pairs of peregrine falcons produced eggs with 12 of those pairs successfully hatching and fledging a total of 31 young falcons. The division's management program for the peregrine is funded by the sale of cardinal license plates and by contributions to the Wildlife Diversity & Endangered Species Fund. Taxpayers may donate directly or designate all or part of their state income tax refunds to the effort by checking the appropriate boxes on their tax forms.
Source: ODNR