Article Posted: September 02, 2003

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Guided historical hikes offered at selected parks each Saturday in September

COLUMBUS, OH -- Ohio State Parks will celebrate 200 years of the
state's natural and cultural history during the month of September with a
series of guided hikes, according to the Ohio Department of Natural
Resources (ODNR).
Each Saturday in September, naturalists and rangers will host
organized hikes in selected parks, teaching visitors about the history,
legends and lore of Ohio and its people.
"Remnants of Ohio's early canal system and iron-furnace industry, as
well as preserved pioneer cemeteries and villages, are prominent features in
many of our parks," said Ohio State Parks Chief Dan West. "Our Bicentennial
hikes will provide an opportunity to learn about these historic treasures,
while enjoying spectacular Ohio scenery at the same time."
Bicentennial hikes are scheduled for the following dates and

Saturday, September 6
Mosquito Lake State Park in Trumbull County. Hikers should meet at 8
a.m. at the Turkey Run Trailhead for a one to two-mile walk along a wetland
and shoreline habitat. The terrain is easy to moderate. Additional
information: 330-637-2856.

Rocky Fork State Park in Highland County. Meet at 10 a.m. at the
nature center for a one-hour hike on the Deer Loop Trail. Hikers will
encounter moderate terrain that leads through woods, along a cliff and near
a stream. Information: 937-393-4284.

Dillon State Park in Muskingum County. The hike begins at 1 p.m. at
the campground amphitheater and includes a two-mile walk down the Blackberry
Trail to King Ridge Loop. Along the way, naturalists will describe the
medicinal powers of native plants. Terrain is moderate with deep ravines in
view. Hike may include a salamander hunt! Information: 740-453-4377.

Hocking Hills State Park in Hocking County. Meet at 1 p.m. at the
Old Man's Cave Visitor Center for a strenuous six-mile hike from Old Man's
Cave to Cedar Falls and back. The hike will encompass both the gorge and rim
trails and will lead past familiar landmarks like the Devil's Bathtub.
Hiking boots are recommended. Information: 740-385-6841.

Strouds Run State Park in Athens County. Hikers should meet at 6
p.m. at the Pioneer Cemetery Trail near the shelterhouse (off County Road
20) for a one-mile hike to the old burial ground. Medium terrain is
involved. Information: 740-592-2302.

Saturday, September 13
Mohican State Park in Ashland County. Hike from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Grist Mill will be open for tours and refreshments will be served.
Information: 419-994-5125.

Indian Lake State Park in Logan County. Guided one-hour hikes leave
from the park's nature center, located on Route 235 North, beginning at 9
a.m. Each hike will focus on local history and the nature center will
feature Ohioana exhibits. Information: 937-843-2717.

Lake Hope State Park in Vinton County. Meet at 10 a.m. at Hope
Furnace for a two-hour combined drive/hike through regional history.
Participants will caravan and hike to iron furnace sites, Native American
mounds, the Moonville Tunnel and the forest of honor. Information:

Caesar Creek State Park in Warren County. The Falls & Fossils Hike
will begin at 10 a.m. and will focus on Flatfork Gorge where there are
30-foot cliffs and the popular Horseshoe Falls. Hike 1.5 miles on the gorge
trail and learn about the park's unique fossils. Terrain is rolling with
some steps. Information: 513-897-2437.

Sycamore State Park in Montgomery County. Meet at 11 a.m. at the
overlook picnic area for a strenuous eight-mile hike through the creek
bottom. The hike is expected to take two to three hours; hikers should wear
sturdy shoes and bring plenty of water. Information: 937-854-4452.

Saturday, September 20
Findley State Park in Lorain County. Hikers should meet at 10 a.m.
at the naturalist activity center for a three-mile hike around Findley Lake.
Medium terrain involved. The park's annual venison chili cook-off will
follow the hike. However, it is necessary to pre-register for the cook-off.
Information: 440-647-5749.

Hueston Woods State Park in Preble County. Begin at 1 p.m. at the
Blue Heron scenic area in the Big Woods for a rugged half-mile hike on the
Blue Heron Trail. Proper hiking footwear is recommended. Information:

Great Seal State Park in Ross County. Hikers should meet at 2 p.m.
at the Ireland Shelterhouse for a 90-minute walk down the Old Marietta Road
- one of Ohio's earliest thoroughfares. The road was once a Native American
trail and was traveled by the settlers and statesmen who formed Ohio.
Refreshments will be served. Information: 740-663-2125.

Van Buren State Park in Hancock County. Hikers should gather at the
Nature Center at 7 p.m. for a walk through local Native American history.
Chief Logan will be on hand to re-enact his famous speech. The first annual
Chief Logan Festival, featuring Native American food, dance and art begins
at 10 a.m. the same day. Information: 419-832-7662.

Saturday, September 27
Cowan Lake State Park in Clinton County. Meet at 10 a.m. at the
Lotus Cove Trailhead for a one-mile walk through the history of southwest
Ohio. Terrain is moderate. Guides will focus on the way early Ohioans used
the land and resources. Information: 937-289-2105.

Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County. Hikes begin at 1 p.m. from
the Stone House parking lot and will follow the Stone House Loop 1.8 miles
across hilly terrain. The 1840s Kennedy Stone House Museum will be open for
tours beginning at noon. Inside are displays on area agriculture in the
1800s. Information: 740-439-3521.

Quail Hollow State Park in Stark County. Hikers should meet at the
Stewart Manor parking lot at 2 p.m. for a walk through the history of the
park and northeastern Ohio. Information: 330-877-1528.

Scioto Trail State Park in Ross County. The hike begins at 2 p.m.
and is a feature of the park's Frontier Day celebration. Hikers should meet
at the Log Church in the campground for a one-hour walk through the history
of the old Scioto Trail between Chillicothe and Portsmouth. Additional
activities scheduled all day; refreshments will be served. Information:

Mary Jane Thurston State Park in Wood County. The 7 p.m. hike begins
at the day lodge, ending an afternoon celebration of Ohio's historic canal
system. Participants will greet an Irish canal digger who will re-enact his
efforts to create Ohio's earliest transportation system. Old-time music and
traditional dances of the era will follow the hike. Information:

Source: ODNR

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