LOGAN HIGH SCHOOL FFA STUDENTS WIN 2003 OHIO ENVIROTHON FOR THIRD YEAR IN A ROW Chardon High School team finishes second; another Logan High School team places third COLUMBUS, OH -- A team of Logan High School FFA students from Hocking County placed first in the 2003 Ohio Envirothon, held at Urbana University June 8 to 10, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). It was the third consecutive first-place finish for a Logan High School. Twenty teams from 17 high schools participated in this year's outdoor competition, which tests students' knowledge of soils and land use, forestry, wildlife, aquatic ecology and current environmental issues. First prize was a check for $300 and a chance to represent Ohio at the international Canon Envirothon, set for July 26 to 31 at Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The Chardon High School "Red Team" finished second, taking home a check for $200. Logan High School's "Blue Team" placed third, winning a check for $100 in the process. A team from Bellbrook High School in Greene County took honors as the high-scoring "rookie" team. Each school received a plaque commemorating its winning performance. ODNR and the Ohio Federation of Soil & Water Conservation Districts sponsor the annual event. Each team earned the opportunity to compete at the state level by placing among the top four in five regional Envirothons that were held in May. Each year, the Envirothon focuses on a specific environmental issue. This year's topic centered on agricultural land conservation and preservation. As part of the competition, each team prepared a five-minute oral presentation, which was delivered to a panel of experts. Competition questions were prepared by professionals from ODNR, The Ohio State University (OSU) Extension, Clark and Darke county soil and water conservation districts, Wittenberg University, Tecumseh Land Trust and Champaign Land Preservation. The Ohio Envirothon is funded by donations from individuals, soil and water conservation districts, local businesses, agencies and organizations. Donors for the 2003 Ohio Envirothon included American Electric Power, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Education Fund, the ODNR Division of Wildlife, Mead Westvaco, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Pheasants Forever, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Ohio Federation of Soil & Water Conservation Districts, The OSU School of Natural Resources and Mad River Steering Committee.
Source: ODNR