INCOME TAX CHECK-OFF DONATIONS HELPING TO PRESERVE ONE OF THE WORLD'S LAST KNOWN POPULATIONS OF LAKESIDE DAISIESCOLUMBUS, OH -- One of the world's truly rare wildflowers is thriving in an area on the Marblehead Peninsula in Ottawa County as a result of donations to the state income tax check-off fund for nature preserves and scenic rivers. The Lakeside daisy is known to grow naturally in only three places worldwide. The bright-yellow blooming perennial flourishes where few other plants can - on nearly barren limestone bedrock in full sunlight, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve on the Marblehead Peninsula is home to the only remaining natural population of this colorful wildflower in the United States. The 19-acre preserve, a former limestone quarry, was purchased by the ODNR Division of Natural Areas & Preserves in 1988 with $50,000 in tax check-off funds. An additional $5,100 in check-off money was used to make improvements at the preserve and build an educational display for visitors. "Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve is one of Ohio's great natural treasures and an example of the rare and threatened ecosystems protected by tax check-off donations," said ODNR Director Sam Speck. While the Lakeside daisy is the preserve's "star" resident, additional communities of unusual wildflowers flourish there. The most significant are Great Plains ladies'- tresses, a rare wild orchid; butterflyweed, a prairie species that blooms in mid-summer; balsam squaw-weed; and spiked blazing-star, a dramatic wildflower that displays big, purple blooms in the summer. The preserve is open to the public during the month of May when the daisies are in full bloom. During the remainder of the year, visitors must obtain an access permit. Approximately 300-400 people attend the preserve's annual open house held in May. This year's event is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 10. Participants are urged to dress comfortably and wear sturdy shoes, suitable for walking. Staff from the ODNR Division of Natural Areas & Preserves will answer questions and provide details about this rare Ohio wildflower. Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve is located south of Marblehead on the east side of Alexander Pike (Twp. Rd. 142), half-mile south of Route 163.
Source: ODNR