LIMITED SUPPLIES OF TREE SEEDLINGS STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH ODNR - APRIL 4 IS THE LAST DAY FOR SALES Discounted seedlings available in large quantities for 12 cents eachCOLUMBUS, OH -- Tree seedling sales by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) are drawing to a close, and state foresters are encouraging Ohioans to get in their orders before the April 4 deadline. The seedling order forms are available by calling toll free 1-877-691-8733. While many species are sold out, limited supplies of baldcypress, black locust, green ash, river birch, sugar maple, sweetgum, black alder and white pine are still available. The trees are one to two years old and bare rooted. A minimum order of 250 trees is required. They range in price from 25 to 85 cents, depending on species and quantity purchased. Seedlings are also being sold in large quantities from the former Zanesville State Tree Nursery. The former nursery's stock is being sold for 12 cents each for species such as pin oaks, black locust, green and white ash, black cherry, silky dogwood, red oak, silver maple, sweetgum, and tuliptree. The seedlings are being sold in units, ranging in size from 3,325 pin oaks to as many as 83,300 black locust. Detailed information about these seedlings is available on More than 3,000,000 seedlings are sold each year by ODNR for use in reforestation, wildlife habitat development, erosion control, windbreaks and other conservation projects. In the past 80 years, the ODNR Division of Forestry has planted more than 500,000,000 trees in Ohio. For specific information about the availability of various tree species and their prices, contact the ODNR Division of Forestry toll free at 1-877-691-8733. Tree seedling order forms are also available on the Internet at
Source: ODNR