**March 1 through April 30 the walleye bag limit is 4 fish per day, and then it returns to 6 per day on May 1. The minimum size limit for walleye is 15”.** **The yellow perch daily bag limit on Lake Erie is 30 fish per day.**
**The black bass (largemouth and smallmouth) season is closed to possession (catch and release only) from May 1 through June 27. Beginning June 28 the daily bag limit is 5 fish with a 14” minimum size limit.**
**The steelhead trout daily bag limit is 2. The minimum size limit for steelhead is 12 inches.**
Walleye fishing is improving as the temperature increases and the water clears. The best jig fishing continues to be in Maumee Bay, nearshore from Crane Creek to Locust Point, around “K” can of the Camp Perry range, and on the reefs of the Camp Perry firing range. Trollers are catching fish around Rattlesnake Island and North Bass Island, from North Bass Island to Gull Island Shoal, and from Gull Island Shoal to Kelleys Island. Use extreme caution when boating in low water temperatures.
Based on the nearshore forecast the water temperature is 51 off of Toledo and 42 off of Cleveland.
Anglers are encouraged to always wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device while boating.
To view the latest Sandusky and Maumee River walleye run fishing report visit: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/FishingSubhomePage/FishingProspectsandReports/fishingfreportwalleyerunreport/tabid/6127/Default.aspx
Source: ODNR |