Lake Erie Fishing Report: April 18, 2002 Western Basin: Lake Erie water temperature is 51* F off Toledo and 41* F off Cleveland. Fishing continues to be fabulous on Western Basin Lake Erie with summer temperatures greeting anglers. A cold front is forecasted to move into the region over the coming weekend. Most fish are in the 16- to 18-inch range with some larger fish and some limit catches reported. Some anglers are vertical jigging using leadhead jigs and minnows or blade baits while others are using trolling methods. The prime locations have been Maumee Bay, Sandusky Bay, off Davis Besse, and the Western Basin Reef Complex, especially the Cone Reef area. However, pro anglers fishing in the PWT tournament in Port Clinton Wednesday noted female walleyes are spawning and moving away from reefs. Pro and amateur teams at the PWT 's first-day weigh-in on Wednesday did excellent. Most teams brought in their five-fish tournament limit and the fish were huge. A new one-day PWT record was set with 52.85 pounds for a five-fish bag weight. The former record of 48.48 pounds taken two years ago, also on Lake Erie. The tournament record for the most walleyes over 10 pounds was easily broken as well. The past record, 35 walleyes in excess of 10 pounds, was set in 2000, but was for the entire three-day Lake Erie tournament. On Wednesday, 133 walleyes weighing more than 10 pounds hit the scales. The legal bag limit for walleyes for Lake Erie and its tributaries is four per angler per day during March and April. The spring perch action is also underway. The hot spots are off the Marblehead Peninsula, especially off the Marblehead Lighthouse, with nice-size catches in the 9- to 11-inch range. The yellow perch bag limit remains at 30 perch per angler per day. Smallmouth bass anglers are also doing well in the islands areas. A local bait store reported a 7-pound, 22.5-inch smallie weighed-in in the past week. Western Basin Walleye Streams: The Sandusky River is 60* F and high and muddy. Only a few walleyes are being taken. The outlook is unknown at this time because of rain expected in the forecast. The Maumee River is 57* F and the water level is high and muddy. Anglers are taking fair numbers of male walleye in the 16- to 22-inch range, and an occasional female. A few limits are being taken. Anglers are also seeing fair numbers of white bass. The best locations are Orleans Park and Fort Meigs. Anglers are using 1/8- to 1/4-ounce floating jig heads with florescent orange and chartreuse jigs. The outlook should be fair. For more updates on Maumee River fishing, anglers can call Side Cut Metro Park's walleye fishing hotline at (419) 893-9740 Further updates on both Maumee and Sandusky rivers walleye fishing can also be obtained by visiting the Division of Wildlife website at and click on Fishing Reports. Central Basin Steelhead Streams: Streams have very high flows from recent rains. Streams like Mill, Arcola, and Paine creeks will clear first, (probably by mid-week if rains hold off), while most of the main rivers are receding from near flood stage. Some fresh fish were noted in good numbers before streams rose, expect them to be well distributed as conditions improve. Peak runs are winding down, but some big fish (10-15 lbs.) continue to be caught. River anglers have experienced some fine catches throughout stream reaches using spawn bags, jigs & maggots, minnows, or flies such as woolly buggers, weighted nymphs, egg patterns and streamers that imitate shiners. Don't forget the bag limit change to two steelhead trout and salmon in the aggregate on March 1st, that will become valid from September 1st through May 15. Anglers should note that landowner permission is required to fish on private property. Try fishing the following areas: Rocky River: Fish from the Emerald Necklace Marina up through the Cedar Point Pools. Chagrin River: Fish from the soccer fields up to Daniels Park Dam and the North Chagrin Reservation. Grand River: Fish from the Mentor Headlands breakwall or Fairport short pier up to Harpersfield Dam; Big Creek, Paine Creek, and Mill Creek will start holding fish looking to spawn. Arcola Creek: Fish the beach and in the estuary pond and stream. Ashtabula River: Fish the Metropark area from Rt.11 downstream to the Hospital. Conneaut Creek: Fish from the river boat ramp in Conneaut, up to the state line. Vermilion River: Fish from the river mouth up through the Metropark up to Birmingham.
Source: ODNR