LAKE STURGEON STILL SURPRISING LAKE ERIE EXPERTS 21 fish sighted in the past yearSANDUSKY, OH - Recent sightings of juvenile Lake Erie sturgeon hold promise for the endangered species, according to state wildlife biologists with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Due to overfishing in the mid-1800s, sightings of Lake Erie sturgeon declined and the fish was nearly lost from the Great Lakes. Yet recent observations and catches of this prehistoric-looking fish have wildlife biologists hoping for a reversal in the lake sturgeons diminished presence in Lake Erie. "Last October, a perch angler caught an especially noteworthy sturgeon a couple of miles north of the Portage River mouth in western Lake Erie," said David Davies, fisheries biologist with the ODNR Division of Wildlife. "This 7-inch fish - spawned last spring - in addition to a number of recent catches of juvenile sturgeon three to six years old (measuring 14 to 24 inches), leads us to believe that sturgeon are reproducing." Lake sturgeon, Ohio's largest fish species, can exceed more than 6 feet in length and weigh more than 200 pounds. They have no scales, but instead have bony plates along the back, sides and belly. They have a distinctive shark-like tail, long, pointed snout, and four long barbels (used to locate prey) in front of a suction-like mouth. The upper body ranges from olive to gray, graduating to a yellow or milky white belly. ODNR cooperates in an interagency tagging study to collect information on sturgeon populations in Lake Erie and connecting waterways in the lower Great Lakes. Since 1995, more than 4,000 sturgeon have been tagged. Recaptures of these highly migratory fish will help biologists learn more about the population, migration movements and possible spawning grounds. One of the sturgeon reported in Ohio waters this year was the recapture of a fish tagged from a current monitoring project in the Lake St. Clair and Detroit River region; the first recapture outside the Lake St. Clair/Detroit River system. "We are very optimistic about the comeback of Lake Erie's sturgeon and hope to someday find evidence of spawning grounds, including spawning in Ohio streams," Davies said. "A Cleveland angler caught a 5 1/2-foot sturgeon on the Cuyahoga River last September. Two other adult sturgeon caught in the Maumee River last year could be an indication that sturgeon are returning to these streams." This year, 21 sturgeon were reported in Ohio waters of Lake Erie. Four were surprise catches by ice fishermen, nine others were caught by anglers on the open lake, and another was reported by a recreational boater. Five sturgeon were caught and released from commercial fishing nets. Two observations were from shoreline residents. Lake sturgeon provided a lucrative commercial fishery across the Great Lakes in the mid-1800s as society acquired a taste for caviar and smoked sturgeon. Lake Erie historically had the largest sturgeon production of all the Great Lakes. By the early 1900s, sturgeon populations were much reduced. Other contributing factors in the sturgeon decline were pollution and the damming of rivers, preventing sturgeon from returning to spawning grounds. A slow maturity rate was also a factor as female sturgeon normally do not spawn until 20 years of age, and only spawn every four to seven years. Consequently, young fish could not quickly replace the adults lost to overfishing. Sturgeon are a state endangered fish. Anyone who catches a lake sturgeon should release it back into the water immediately and report it to the ODNR Division of Wildlife at 419-625-8062 or 1-800-WILDLIFE. Helpful information would include the date and place of the observation, length of the fish, any tag information, and a photograph if possible.
Source: ODNR