NEW FISHING REGULATIONS TAKE EFFECT APRIL 1 LANSING--The Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers that a few important changes to Michigan's fishing regulations will take effect April 1. * Walleye--Lake Erie: The daily possession limit is raised to six walleye. * Lake trout--Great Lakes: Several changes have been made to the lake trout size limits and fishing zones as part of the agreement concerning treaty fishing rights in the Great Lakes. Please refer to pages 19-21 in the 2001 Michigan Fishing Guide for details. The guide will be available on- line April 1 at or where fishing licenses are sold. * Bass season--Lake Michigan: The open season for largemouth and smallmouth bass on Lake Michigan, within one-half mile of Beaver, Garden, High and Hog islands is July 1-31. A change to the number of fishing rods that anglers may use on the Great Lakes went into effect last September. Anglers trolling for trout and salmon on Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior and the St. Marys River may use three lines or three single rods and lines. No more than six hooks total may be attached on all lines. These changes do not apply to shore anglers. Anglers also are reminded to review the "Exception to General Regulations by County" section in the 2001 Michigan Fishing Guide before they go fishing. Many water bodies have special regulations that may be more restrictive (or more liberal) than the general regulations for hook and line fishing, bow and spear fishing or netting.
Source: MDNR