NEW FISHING LICENSES GO ON SALE MARCH 1 LANSING--Anglers can purchase their 2001 Michigan fishing licenses starting Thursday, March 1, at more than 1,700 license dealers and Michigan Department of Natural Resources offices statewide or, for convenience and faster service, via the Internet at By clicking on the e-license link on the DNR Web site, anglers will be able to purchase their fishing licenses for the new year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Online customers may use MasterCard or Visa to charge their purchase, and they will be able to print out their license from their personal computer. Any 2001 Michigan fishing license (except the 24-hour license) purchased between March 1-31 is valid for fishing during this period, including the April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002 license year. Anglers who purchase their new fishing license during March should note the 2000 regulations still are in effect through March 31. The DNR launched its new e-license system last December to improve customer services for the 1.8 million anglers and hunters who purchase fishing and hunting licenses in Michigan. In 2000, nearly five million licenses were sold, generating more than $52,990,000 in gross revenue. "Our first big test for the system was the sale of this year's spring turkey license applications, and it passed with flying colors," said Tom Weston, DNR E-Commerce Manager. "Nearly 12,000 customers purchased their turkey application online during January and the overall feedback was very good." One of the biggest advantages of the system is that it allows customers to make their purchase right up to the last minute. "We sold nearly 2,000 applications in the last three hours," Weston said. "During the sale of our special hunt applications, such as turkey or bear, customers typically wait until the last eight hours on the last day of the application period to apply. With e-license, customers can apply from anywhere rather than driving to a license dealer." This convenience also will be especially helpful to the nearly 300,000 nonresident anglers who previously had to wait until they arrived in Michigan to purchase their license. "They now can have their license in the fishing vest pocket or wallet before they leave home," Weston said. E-license also provides customers with access to more DNR information than ever could be provided at license dealer locations, and it allows users to e-mail questions directly to the DNR. Access to a Frequently Asked Questions database also makes it possible for online users to get the right answer the first time. The new year's fishing licenses are available for purchase on March 1 to accommodate anglers in making a smooth transition from one license year to another. Anyone planning to fish on or after April 1 must have a valid 2001 Michigan fishing license in possession to fish in Michigan waters. Small game, waterfowl and fur harvester licenses that will be valid for the 2001-2002 seasons also go on sale March 1.
Source: MDNR